Program Feartures


1. It is Learner Centered

1 a. It is planned to ensure that students achieve the qualifications specified in the faculty graduation goals.

1b. In the first three years, it provides the understanding of basic medical knowledge with its clinical importance.

1c. It enables the student to meet with clinical applications in the early period.

1d. In the fourth and fifth years, it aims to develop patient approach and patient management skills in the clinical setting.

1e. It gives students an active role in patient care, treatment and follow-up as an intern when they come to the sixth grade and gives them medical experience.

1f. Receives feedback from students and cares about student opinions.

1g. It enables the student to gain independent, critical thinking, lifelong learning skills and communication skills.

1h. It enables the student to gain the knowledge, skills and attitude to successfully carry out postgraduate medical education and general practitioner practice.

1i. For newly enrolled students, the first year program includes “Integration Week” activities in the press and gives a “welcome” message to the profession with a ceremony where our faculty members dress students in their white coats.

1k. The program includes learner-centered education practices at every stage.

1l. An institutional system is established and working to ensure qualified and effective student representation.

1m. There is a functional academic and social counseling system.

1n. It provides students with social, cultural, artistic, sportive opportunities and equal access opportunities.

1o. It offers its students national and international exchange opportunities within the framework of a specific plan and policy, and provides administrative and economic support.

1p. It provides students with a continuous and regular interaction environment by using up-to-date communication tools and environments during their education.

2. Integration

2 a. It is an integrated education and training program for the health problems of the society, based on organ systems, organized with a spiral understanding, including behavioral and human sciences and social sciences.

2b. Horizontal and vertical integration of basic and clinical sciences has been achieved. As the stages increase in vertical-horizontal integration, the proportion of basic sciences decreases, while the proportion of clinical sciences increases.

2c. The integrated program, arranged with a spiral understanding, consists of six classes (I – VI).

2d. Contains associations between classes and blocks to enable horizontal integration

2e. It is updated regularly.

3. Elective courses

3 a. It includes elective courses and independent study hours in each academic year.

3b. It includes components and activities that aim to provide students with an attitude of continuous professional development and lifelong learning.

3c. It includes non-field elective courses.

4. Population Oriented/Based features

4a. It enables students to encounter health problems of the patient and society in the early stages of medical education.

4b. It includes population-based educational activities at all stages.

4c. It includes educational activities in health institutions other than tertiary care and in the community.

4d. It includes practices that will prepare students for post-graduate education and working conditions.

4e. It includes projects or educational activities where they can take social responsibility.

5. Characteristics of Scientific Perspective and Research

5 a. It provides learning opportunities that will develop skills such as analytical, critical thinking and evaluation, problem solving and decision making using scientific principles and methods.

5b. It provides learning opportunities that will support students' participation in scientific research and gain experience in doing research.

5c. It is a program that offers opportunities to gain understanding and skills of teamwork.

6. Based on Experience/Practice

6a. Includes evidence-based medicine practices.

6b. It allows students to learn and gain experience in electronic patient information management and decision support systems.

6c. It includes practices that give students an interprofessional perspective in the provision of health services and attaches importance to this.

7. Systematic Features

7a. In accordance with the program structure, in line with the objectives and targets at all levels, it has been arranged according to years/classes.

7b. Efforts have been made to ensure compliance with the current National Core Education Program (UCEP).

7c. The number of students suitable for the objectives, structure, characteristics, institutional manpower and infrastructure of the education program is determined and requested.

7d. In the program, the responsibilities of the students in the preclinical education processes were defined and made known.

7e. In the program, the duties and responsibilities of interns and downloaders in clinical training environments are defined and known.

8. Assessment and Evaluation and Program Evaluation Features

8a. It uses measurement and evaluation methods and criteria determined according to years / stages, published, shared with students and faculty members.

8b. It uses measurement and evaluation methods and criteria that have been shown to be compatible with the purpose and learning objectives and have been validated.

8c. The measurement and evaluation methods and criteria used by the program are planned and implemented to support learning.

8d. It is a program that constantly improves its system with new applications by following innovations and developments.

8e. The usefulness of the applications is constantly evaluated within the program.

8f. It is a program that includes student and instructor feedback that is regularly received, analyzed and evaluated.

8g. The program includes regular monitoring and evaluation of student achievement.

8h. Program evaluation results are regularly evaluated and reported to be used in the development and improvement of the program.

8i. Program evaluation results are shared with the education administration, academic staff and students.

8j. Program evaluation results are used in program development and improvement.

9. Academic Staff Characteristics

9a. The training program has an academic staff structure that is suitable for the workload required by different periods, processes and activities, according to its implementation characteristics.

9b. The duties and responsibilities of the academic staff in the education program are determined and monitored according to their fields of study and academic levels.

9c. Methods and criteria that take into account academic merit and provide equal opportunity are used in selection, appointment and promotion.

9d. There are trainer development programs that are planned and implemented in an institutional framework to develop the trainer's qualifications required by the training program.

9e. It organizes continuous professional development activities implemented in a planned and institutional framework.

9f. Participation support is provided for trainer development and other individual, continuous professional development activities, and their contribution and participation are monitored.

9g. Administrative and economic support for participation in continuous professional development activities is provided within an institutional framework.

9h. The continuous professional development of educators is monitored and evaluated.

10. Infrastructure and Educational Facilities

10a. There are suitable and sufficient lecture halls, classrooms, seminar rooms and student laboratories for educational activities in large and small groups.

10b. There are study halls and social areas reserved for the use of students, as well as access to information through the library, internet or other electronic media.

10d. It provides clinical education environments that will enable students to gain sufficient experience in medical knowledge, skills and practices.

10e. In the hospitals used for clinical education, it is available in the form of classrooms, seminar rooms and areas reserved for the use of students.

10f. It has ensured the safety of the environments for students, academic and administrative staff, patients and their relatives.

10g. Arrangements have been made in line with the needs of students with disabilities and to ensure their access.

10h. Institutional cooperation protocols have been implemented in the training program to provide learning opportunities within the community and health institutions outside the tertiary level.

10i. With the training program, financial resources are created and resources are used effectively for the maintenance, evaluation, development and improvement of infrastructure and opportunities.

11. Organization

11a. A training organization is established in accordance with the structure of the training program, its authorities, duties and responsibilities are defined by institutional legislation and its functionality is ensured.

11b. The mutual duties, responsibilities and relations of the administrators and lecturers with other units where education is carried out other than the institution's own hospital are defined.

11c. Institutional structures that provide administrative, technical and secretarial support to education management and organization have been established and are operational.

11d. There are competent and functional units in the field of medical education in order to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the discipline of medical education in the regulations and practices related to education.

11e. Medical faculty dean. He is a medical school graduate and has training and management experience.

11f. Most of the executive staff are graduated from medical school and have education and management experience.

11g. Our faculty has the autonomy to organize the training programs in line with the institutional goals and objectives it has determined, to create and implement the relevant legislation.

11h. Our faculty has a regular record and archive system, with documented decisions and processes related to education.

11i. The service offered in our hospital, which is used for clinical training, is structured in an education-oriented framework.

12. Continuous renewal and development

12a. The continuous innovation and development mechanism related to education has been associated with the institutional goals and plans of the faculty.

12b. The continuous renewal and development mechanism related to education has been designed as a continuous institutional and functional structure.

12c. It covers the aims and objectives of the education programs, education and measurement-evaluation methods and practices, physical infrastructure and opportunities, and the renewal and development of the academic and administrative staff in the context of the continuous renewal and development studies of the medical faculty, the needs of the society, the developments in the field of education and the characteristics of the students.