The paper to be used in the writing of the thesis should be A4 standard (21 cm x 29.7 cm in size) and minimum 70 gr/m2 and maximum 100 gr/m2 premium white paper. The text of the thesis, together with the special pages and appendices, should be appropriately pasted and made into a single volume.
1.2. Spelling Features
Theses are written in software programs (Microsoft Office Word) developed in Windows or Macintosh computer environments. Only one side of the paper can be printed from laser or laser quality printers. Typeface should be Times New Roman or Arial. The font should be 12 points in the main text and 10 points in the footnotes. Smaller characters can be used in tables and figures or their descriptions if they must be fit on a single page.
There should be a one-character space between words and after punctuation marks such as commas, semicolons, periods, and syllable division should not be done. When necessary, formats such as bold, italic, bold italic, underline can be used in the text.
1.3. Page layout
There should be 4 cm margins on the left margin, 2.5 cm margins on the right margins, 3 cm margins on the lower margins and 3 cm margins on the upper margins of each page.
All headings should start from the left margin.
Paragraphs should start from the left margin, leaving 12 dots after the previous paragraph. Lines of text should be arranged in line, and the text block should be written in justify format. Footnotes should not exceed the lower limit (Example 1).