b. Ensuring the compliance of the Program Outcomes with the Mission and Vision of the University, Faculty, Department,
c. Reviewing the compatibility of the Program Outcomes with the TYYÇ (Turkish Higher Education Institution Qualifications Framework),
d. Correlating Program Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes,
e. Reviewing Teaching Processes Based on Learning Outcomes,
f. Gathering data and information for the creation of an Interim report, preferably in September,
g. Gathering data in order to diversify and develop the Measurement and Evaluation tools, to make them accountable and transparent (Survey, Interview, Seminar, Meeting, Feedback etc.),
h. Preferably October-November-December-January-February 2021-2022 Receiving and Analysis of Internal and External Stakeholder Opinions
i. Revision of Programs in Line with Internal and External Stakeholder Views
j. Submission of the Final Report of the Revision Studies to the Coordination Group via the Dean's Office
In this context, the following topics should be reviewed in Turkish / English Medicine and Specialization in Medicine / Proficiency in Art Programs.
1. Design/Monitoring and Approval of Programs
A. Program Designs and Monitoring of Existing Programs
a. Purpose of Programs
b. Learning outcomes of the program
c. Compatibility of the purpose of the program with the TYYÇ
d. Compliance of program learning outcomes with TYYÇ
e. Course Information Packages
f. How to monitor the realization of Learning Outcomes
g. With which actions can the program outputs be gained (proficiency-course-teaching method matrices)
ğ. With which types of education the program outputs can be acquired
h. Physical and technological possibilities in program design
B. Program Course Distribution Balance
a. Principles, rules and methods
b. Balance of compulsory and elective courses
c. The balance of the field and non-field course
d. Courses that provide cultural depth and the opportunity to get to know different disciplines
e. The harmony and arrangement of the number of lessons and weekly lesson hours
f. Suitability of course information packages for the purpose
C. Compatibility of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes
a. Description of course learning outcomes
b. Matching the Learning outcomes of the courses with the program outcomes
c. Planning how to monitor the achievement of course learning outcomes
D. Course Design Based on Student Workload
a. Sharing the ECTS value of all courses over the Web
b. Verification of ECTS value of all courses by student workload monitoring
c. Internship and vocational applications
d. Evaluation of the adequacy of credits and workloads of internship and vocational practices
e. Distance education in account of student workload
E. Measurement and Evaluation System
a. A holistic measurement and evaluation system
b. Defining the main principles and rules for measurement and evaluation
c. Compliance with Learning Outcomes and Measurement and Evaluation
d. Harmony of assessment and evaluation with the form of education service delivery
e. The harmony between teaching methods and measurement and evaluation
f. Exam Application security mechanisms
g. Improving assessment and evaluation approaches and possibilities according to student-instructor feedback
2. Student Admission and Development (ÖSYM, Transfer, Foreign Students, etc.)
a. Student Admission Principles and Rules
b. Are Rules Consistent and Practices Transparent?
c. Recognition and Crediting of Prior Learning.
d. In parallel with the internationalization policy, applications for mobility supports, student encouragement, facilitating measures and No Credit Loss.
e. Approval of Program Outcomes and clear and understandable definition of graduation requirements.
f. Approval of the program outputs and sharing the graduation conditions with the public.
g. Certification and Diploma procedures are carried out in accordance with defined processes.
3. Student-Centered Education, Teaching and Assessment
a. Teaching Methods and Techniques
1. Interactive, learning-oriented
2. Approaches Prior to Learning
3. Deep learning, student interest
4. Opportunities offered by technology
5. Participation in research efforts
6. Control of applications, systematic evaluation
b. quantification and consideration
1. Measurement and evaluation process, alternative measurement tools
2. Eligibility for types of training
3. Announcement, implementation, control, compliance with learning outcomes, measures taken
c. Student Feedback
1. Systematic feedback
2. Student-Instructor-curriculum
3. Overall satisfaction
4. Effective use of feedback
5. Various Feedback Channels
d. Academic Counseling
4. Learning Resources
a. Classroom, laboratory, library, studio, textbooks, online/online books/documents/videos etc. The resources are made accessible to students in appropriate quality and quantity.
b. Monitoring the learning environment and use of resources
c. Do the student environment and resources enable student development?
5. Monitoring and Updating Programs
a. Monitoring the realization rate of program objectives and learning outcomes for each program, block, course
b. Evaluation of the realization rate of the program learning outcomes together with the stakeholders
c. Periodic and systematic monitoring of the statistical data of our English/Turkish Medicine Program for Education and Training
d. Receiving and evaluating alumni feedback and using it in strategy development
to. Systematic and periodic monitoring and evaluation of the general success status of our graduates
f. Institutions, supervisors, chief physicians, etc. in the environments where graduates work. collection and systematic evaluation of